Activation of Aurora A kinase increases YAP stability via blockage of autophagy

Peng Wang, Ying Gong, Tao Guo, Man Li, Lei Fang, Shengchen Yin, Muhammad Kamran, Yang Liu, Jie Xu, Lingzhi Xu, Fei Peng, Xiaoyuan Xue, Mengying Yang, Mie Chie Hung, Eric W.F. Lam, Chundong Gu, Chunli Wang, Qimin Zhan, Quentin Liu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    40 Scopus citations


    Transcription cofactor Yes-associated protein (YAP) plays an important role in cancer progression. Here, we found that Aurora A kinase expression was positively correlated with YAP in lung cancer. Aurora A depletion suppresses lung cancer cell colony formation, which could be reversed by YAP ectopic overexpression. In addition, activation of Aurora A increases YAP protein abundance through maintaining its protein stability. Consistently, the transcriptional activity of YAP is increased upon Aurora A activation. We further showed that shAURKA suppressed YAP expression in the absence of Lats1/2, indicating that Aurora A regulates YAP independently of Hippo pathway. Instead, Aurora A induced blockage of autophagy to up-regulate YAP expression. Collectively, our findings provide insights into regulatory mechanisms of YAP expression in lung cancer development.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number432
    JournalCell Death and Disease
    Issue number6
    StatePublished - Jun 1 2019

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Immunology
    • Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
    • Cell Biology
    • Cancer Research


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