The detection and diagnosis of early, occult and minimal breast cancer.

R. C. Hickey, H. S. Gallager, G. D. Dodd, B. I. Samuels, D. D. Paulus, D. L. Moore

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations


    Radical mastectomy as originally conceived at the turn of the century consisted of complete removal of the breast tissue, the overlying skin, the pectoral muscles, the intervening lymphatics and the axillary lymph nodes. The aim was logical but initially the results were poor. Only 41% of the 76 patients in Halsted's original series were without disease at the end of 3 years. The principal reason for this was the advanced stage of disease in the patients selected for treatment. By contrast, Gilbertsen, using clinical examination alone, surveyed women 45 years of age or older and found that of 32 patients with breast cancers detected by the screening procedure, 24 had no axillary lymph node involvement. The absolute 5-year survival rate of this group was 96%, which approaches the anticipated survival of comparable women free of breast cancer. Those with positive lymph nodes had an absolute survival rate of 75% at 5 years. Further, of 13 patients observed for 10 years, the survival rate for those without node involvement was 90% and for patients with node involvement was 33%. Patients treated at the Barnes Hospital in St. Louis between 1912 and 1933 were contrasted with similarly treated patients at the Barnes Hospital and the Ellis Fischel Cancer Hospital from 1940 to 1955. A poorer survival rate in the earlier series was related primarily to the greater frequency of advanced and larger tumors. That a significant reduction in breast cancer mortality can be achieved is becoming increasingly apparent. Among survey-detected breast cancers in the study conducted by the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, the 6-year mortality was half of that of controls. This reduction is even more impressive when one considers that among these patients were many with full invasive, mass-forming carcinomas at the time of initial screening. A recent report by Wanebo, Huvos and Urban discusses the treatment of prognostically favorable forms of breast cancer by modified radical mastectomy. It is possible to select from among their patients those who fit the definition of minimal breast cancer. In this group the 5-year survival rate was 97% and the 10-year survival rate was 95%. Only 1 patient died of breast cancer in 10 years. In another reported group of 65 patients with intraductal carcinoma only, there were no deaths due to breast cancer in 10 years. Should the NCI-ACS demonstration projects show, as now seems probable, that community screening programs can be effective in early breast cnacer detection, it is to be anticipated that widespread public demand for screening facilities will follow. This may present insurmountable logistic and economic problems. The total number of radiologists in the United States is not sufficient to screen annually the total population of women over age 40, or even over age 50. There is great need for the development of criteria for the ready identification of that segment of the population in which most of the cancers would be found...

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)287-312
    Number of pages26
    JournalAdvances in surgery
    StatePublished - 1976

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Surgery


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