Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Wellness Program for Latine Adults Who Smoke and Have Psychological Distress: Protocol for a Feasibility Study

Virmarie Correa-Fernández, Janice A. Blalock, Megan E. Piper, Glorisa Canino, David W. Wetter

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Background: Tobacco smoking is a major independent risk factor for chronic disease, and the prevalence of smoking among people with behavioral health disorders is 2-fold in comparison with the general population. Smoking rates remain high for various subgroups within the Latine community, the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a theoretically sound and clinically validated therapeutic approach for several behavioral health conditions with growing evidence of its effectiveness for smoking cessation. Unfortunately, the evidence of ACT effectiveness for smoking cessation among Latine individuals is scarce, and none of the existing studies have tested a culturally targeted intervention for this population. Objective: This study aims to address the co-occurrence of smoking and mood-related challenges among Latine adults via the development and testing of a culturally tailored ACT-based wellness program: Project PRESENT. Methods: This study entails 2 phases. Phase 1 consists of the intervention development. Phase 2 entails the pilot testing of the behavioral intervention along with the administration of baseline and follow-up measures to 38 participants. Primary outcomes include feasibility of recruitment and retention, and treatment acceptability. Secondary outcomes are smoking status and depression and anxiety scores at end of treatment and 1-month follow-up. Results: This study received institutional review board approval. Phase 1 outputs were the health counselors’ treatment manual and participant guide. Recruitment was completed in 2021. Phase 2 outcomes will be determined after project implementation and data analyses are complete, which are expected by May 2023. Conclusions: Findings from this study will determine the feasibility and acceptability of an ACT-based, culturally relevant intervention for Latine adults who smoke and have probable depression and/or anxiety. We expect feasibility of recruitment, retention and treatment acceptability, and reductions in smoking status, depression, and anxiety. If feasible and acceptable, the study will inform large-scale trials, which will ultimately contribute to narrowing the gap between research and clinical practice for the co-occurrence of smoking and psychological distress among Latine adults.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere44146
JournalJMIR Research Protocols
StatePublished - 2023


  • acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Hispanic or Latine
  • smoking
  • telehealth

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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