DNA adducts in human pancreatic tissues and their potential role in carcinogenesis

Mianying Wang, James L. Abbruzzese, Helmut Friess, Walter N. Hittelman, Douglas B. Evans, Marie C. Abbruzzese, Paul Chiao, Donghui Li

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

70 Scopus citations


Pancreas cancer is the fourth and fifth leading cause of cancer death for men and women, respectively, in the United States. Although the etiology of this cancer is poorly understood, smoking and dietary fat have been implicated by epidemiological studies. To test the hypothesis that DNA damage derived from carcinogen exposure and diet is involved in pancreatic carcinogenesis, aromatic and lipid peroxidation-related DNA adducts in 13 normal tissues adjacent to tumor and 20 tumors from pancreatic cancer patients were analyzed by 32P-postlabeling. Normal pancreatic tissues from 5 nonpancreatic cancer patients and 19 healthy organ donors served as controls. To correlate the DNA adduct level with patients' characteristics, information on age, sex, body mass index, and smoking status of pancreatic cancer patients were collected from medical records. A significantly higher level of total DNA adducts was detected in pancreatic cancer patients as compared with controls. The mean level of adducts/108 nucleotides in adjacent normal pancreatic tissues from pancreatic cancer patients (A tissues) was 102 ± 21 compared with 39 ± 6 and 13 ± 1 in pancreatic tumor tissues (T tissues) and normal pancreatic tissues from controls (C tissues), respectively. Among the adducts observed, one single aromatic adduct (spot 1) was present in 100, 90, and 0% of the A, T, and C tissues, respectively. Two novel clusters of adducts (spots 2 and 3) were observed in 11 of 13, 12 of 20, and 2 of 24 of A, T, and C tissues, respectively, and the presence of these adducts was positively correlated with smoking status. In addition, the previously defined smoking-related diagonal radioactive zone was detected in three A samples only, although 50% (10 of 20) of the patients with pancreatic cancers in this study were ever smokers. Putative lipid peroxidation-related adducts were detected in all samples examined and were significantly higher in A than in T and C samples. Multiple regression analyses showed that body mass index was positively correlated to the levels of spot 1 and the lipid peroxidation-related adducts in A tissues and the total aromatic adducts in tumors. Smoking was also positively correlated to the level of total adducts. These observations are consistent with previous epidemiological findings and support the hypothesis that DNA damage related to carcinogen exposure and lipid peroxidation is involved in human pancreatic carcinogenesis.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)38-41
Number of pages4
JournalCancer Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 1998

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology
  • Cancer Research


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