Erratum to: Inflammation-induced IgA+ cells dismantle anti-liver cancer immunity (Nature, (2017), 551, 7680, (340-345), 10.1038/nature24302)

Shabnam Shalapour, Xue Jia Lin, Ingmar N. Bastian, John Brain, Alastair D. Burt, Alexander A. Aksenov, Alison F. Vrbanac, Weihua Li, Andres Perkins, Takaji Matsutani, Zhenyu Zhong, Debanjan Dhar, Jose A. Navas-Molina, Jun Xu, Rohit Loomba, Michael Downes, Ruth T. Yu, Ronald M. Evans, Pieter C. Dorrestein, Rob KnightChristopher Benner, Quentin M. Anstee, Michael Karin

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


In this Article, the sentence: “After 7 months of HFD, MUP-uPA mice developed HCC15, which contained numerous (usually 50–100 per tumour) non-recurrent coding mutations in pathways that are mutated in human HCC (Fig. 2d and Extended Data Fig. 6a).”, should have read: “After 7 months of HFD, MUP-uPA mice developed HCC15, which contained numerous (usually 50–100 per tumour) non-recurrent mutations in pathways that are mutated in human HCC (Fig. 2d and Extended Data Fig. 6a).”. This has been corrected online. In Extended Data Fig. 6a and b, which show the number of point mutations identified per sample and the mutational signatures, all sequence variants (including non-coding mutations) are shown. Fig. 2d also presents all variants compared to human mutations. In the Supplementary Information to this Amendment, we now provide the comparisons of all variants and coding variants to human mutations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)E1
Issue number7721
StatePublished - Sep 6 2018
Externally publishedYes

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