Inhaled innate immune ligands to prevent pneumonia

Scott E. Evans, Michael J. Tuvim, Cory J. Fox, Nidhi Sachdev, Leonid Gibiansky, Burton F. Dickey

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38 Scopus citations


Epithelial surfaces throughout the body continuously sample and respond to environmental stimuli. The accessibility of lung epithelium to inhaled therapies makes it possible to stimulate local antimicrobial defences with aerosolized innate immune ligands. This strategy has been shown to be effective in preclinical models, as delivery of innate immune ligands to the lungs of laboratory animals results in protection from subsequent challenge with microbial pathogens. Survival of the animal host in this setting correlates directly with killing of pathogens within the lungs, indicating the induction of a resistance mechanism. Resistance appears to be mediated primarily by activated epithelial cells rather than recruited leucocytes. Resistance reaches a peak within hours and persists for several days. Innate immune ligands can interact synergistically under some circumstances, and synergistic combinations of innate ligands delivered by aerosol are capable of inducing a high level of broad host resistance to bacteria, fungi and viruses. The induction of innate antimicrobial resistance within the lungs could have clinical applications in the prevention of lower respiratory tract infection in subjects transiently at high risk. These include cancer patients undergoing myeloablative chemotherapy, intubated patients being mechanically ventilated, vulnerable individuals during seasonal influenza epidemics, asthmatic subjects experiencing a respiratory viral infection, and healthy subjects exposed to virulent pathogens from a bioterror attack or emergent pandemic. In summary, stimulation of the lung epithelium to induce localized resistance to infection is a novel strategy whose clinical utility will be assessed in the near future.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)195-206
Number of pages12
JournalBritish Journal of Pharmacology
Issue number1
StatePublished - May 2011


  • TLR
  • Toll-like receptor
  • aerosol
  • antimicrobial peptides
  • epithelium
  • infection
  • innate immunity
  • lung
  • pneumonia
  • resistance

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pharmacology


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