The immunopathology of regression in benign lichenoid keratosis, keratoacanthoma and halo nevus.

Ilene B. Bayer-Garner, Doina Ivan, Mary R. Schwartz, Jaime A. Tschen

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43 Scopus citations


BACKGROUND: Regression is a phenomenon present in a variety of cutaneous lesions. It is likely that similar immunologic mechanisms explain the phenomenon of spontaneous regression occurring in the various lesions. METHODS: Twenty-seven specimens, nine each of halo nevus, keratoacanthoma, and benign lichenoid keratosis, including three examples each of predominantly early, mid, and late regression were examined with antibodies to HLA-II, CD1a, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD34, CD56, and CD68. RESULTS: Epidermotropism of inflammatory cells, including CD1a positive, CD68 positive, CD3 positive, and CD8 positive cells, was present in benign lichenoid keratosis and keratoacanthoma, but not in halo nevus. In halo nevus, the nests of halo nevus cells tended to be infiltrated by CD1a positive, CD68 positive, CD3 positive, and CD8 positive cells. The blood vessels exhibited endothelial cell swelling with luminal narrowing and disruption within the dermis of all lesions. The CD1a positive cells were increased in number in lesional epidermis except in keratoacanthoma lesions where the density of CD1a positive cells was increased in the epithelial lip, but decreased within the epithelial portion of the keratoacanthoma proper. Conversely, the CD8 positive cells were scarce in the dermis below the epithelial lip of the keratoacanthoma, but increased in the dermis of the neoplastic epithelium. CD1a positive cells were also seen throughout the dermal portion of the lesion, particularly at the lesion base. In halo nevus, the CD1a positive cells and CD68 positive cells within the lesions were larger than those in non-lesional skin, indicating activation. The composition of the inflammatory infiltrate varied within each lesion type according to stage of regression, but T-lymphocytes predominated. CONCLUSION: Cytotoxic T-cells may be the final common denominator of regression in benign lichenoid keratosis, keratoacanthoma, and halo nevus. In halo nevus, cytotoxic T-cells may play the predominant role in regression. In keratoacanthoma and benign lichenoid keratosis, cytotoxic T-cells play a pivotal role, but additional mechanisms may also be involved in the phenomenon of regression. Benign lichenoid keratoses progress through stages of regression accompanied by varying proportions of inflammatory cells, including CD3, CD4, and CD8 positive T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, macrophages and Langerhans cells.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)89-97
Number of pages9
JournalClinical medicine & research
Issue number2
StatePublished - May 2004
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Community and Home Care


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