The transcriptional coactivator TAZ regulates reciprocal differentiation of T H 17 cells and T reg cells

Jing Geng, Shujuan Yu, Hao Zhao, Xiufeng Sun, Xun Li, Ping Wang, Xiaolin Xiong, Lixin Hong, Changchuan Xie, Jiahui Gao, Yiran Shi, Jiaqi Peng, Randy L. Johnson, Nengming Xiao, Linrong Lu, Jiahuai Han, Dawang Zhou, Lanfen Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

156 Scopus citations


An imbalance in the lineages of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells (T reg cells) and the inflammatory T H 17 subset of helper T cells leads to the development of autoimmune and/or inflammatory disease. Here we found that TAZ, a coactivator of TEAD transcription factors of Hippo signaling, was expressed under T H 17 cell-inducing conditions and was required for T H 17 differentiation and T H 17 cell-mediated inflammatory diseases. TAZ was a critical co-activator of the T H 17-defining transcription factor ROR' 3t. In addition, TAZ attenuated T reg cell development by decreasing acetylation of the T reg cell master regulator Foxp3 mediated by the histone acetyltransferase Tip60, which targeted Foxp3 for proteasomal degradation. In contrast, under T reg cell-skewing conditions, TEAD1 expression and sequestration of TAZ from the transcription factors ROR' 3t and Foxp3 promoted T reg cell differentiation. Furthermore, deficiency in TAZ or overexpression of TEAD1 induced T reg cell differentiation, whereas expression of a transgene encoding TAZ or activation of TAZ directed T H 17 cell differentiation. Our results demonstrate a pivotal role for TAZ in regulating the differentiation of T reg cells and T H 17 cells.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)800-812
Number of pages13
JournalNature Immunology
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jun 20 2017
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology and Allergy
  • Immunology


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