The use of ornithine salts of branched-chain ketoacids in portal-systemic encephalopathy

H. F. Herlong, W. C. Maddrey, M. Walser

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65 Scopus citations


In eight patients with chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy who were symptomatic despite protein restriction and lactulose, a double-blind crossover comparison was conducted of branched-chain amino acids (68 mmol/d) versus ornithine salts of branched-chain ketoacids (34 mmol/d), both mixtures being administered orally for 7 to 10 days, after control periods, during a single hospitalization. Ornithine salts of branched-chain ketoacids markedly improved electroencephalographic abnormalities and clinical grade of encephalopathy; branched-chain amino acids had significantly lesser effects, which were of borderline statistical significance. To ascertain whether ornithine or branched-chain ketoacids were responsble for the improvement observed, we administered to six patients calcium salts of branched-chain ketoacids (34 mmol/d) after control periods; only slight improvement was seen. Four patients received a daily dose of ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate containing the same quantity of ornithine; one did not change and three deteriorated rapidly. We conclude that the combination of ornithine and branched-chain ketoacids improves chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy more than its components given separately and more than branched-chain amino acids at twice the molar dose.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)545-550
Number of pages6
JournalAnnals of internal medicine
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1980

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Internal Medicine


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